Autumn Newsletter
Autumn has arrived,
We hope the cooler weather sees you happy.
Its definitely a welcome change from the dusty, hot, dry, smokey summer we have recently all suffered through.
Along with the cooler weather is the rumblings of the cough and flu season.
RNS monitors the Government Department of Health information relating to the corona virus and other health alerts.
We are advised to wash our hands thoroughly and cover our mouths when coughing and sneezing and avoid touching your face. Isolate ourselves from crowds when symptomatic. When going to the Doctors, tell the receptionist you have symptoms of flu. Wearing a face mask is a barrier for the germs. This advice is good practice to manage the spread of airborne germs.
We have started a campaign with our nurses to be vigilant with these practices and invite you to also challenge yourselves at home to adopt these practices.
A timely reminder that flu immunisation will soon be available.
Other news at rural nursing services staff: I would like to introduce Carlie O, an Enrolled Nurse with experience in aged care has joined our team in February – welcome Carlie!
And sadly we say farewell and thankyou to Nareeda for her amazing dedication to care, she is leaving soon to be a full time mum – congratulations Nareeda.
Reminder of how to contact us when needed – simply call us phone 6372 4047 or visit our website: or email us at :
Thank you for being a part of our service